Gyalistras, D. (in prep.)
A review of climate change scenarios for the European Alps
To be submitted to Clim. Dyn.

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Fig. 1: Upper and lower estimates for the future change in the globally and annually averaged near-surface temperature used to compute uncertainty ranges for future climate change in the European Alps. pdf  gif 
Fig. 2: Overview of temperature scenarios for the European Alps. Shown are the scenario changes in the regionally and seasonally averaged temperatures (dT) against the changes in the globally and annually averaged temperature (dTg) in the respective parent GCM simulations. GCM = scenarios from GCM simulations; RegCM = scenarios from time-slice experiments and RegCM-simulations; DS = scenarios from statistical downscaling. For numbering of the scenarios see Table 2. pdf  gif 
Fig. 3: Overview of precipitation scenarios for the European Alps. Shown are the scenario changes in the regionally and seasonally averaged total precipitation (dP) against the changes in the globally and annually averaged temperature (dTg) in the respective parent GCM simulations. GCM = scenarios from GCM simulations; RegCM = scenarios from time-slice experiments and RegCM-simulations; DS = scenarios from statistical downscaling. For numbering of the scenarios see Table 2. pdf  gif 
Fig. 5: Estimated changes in regionally and seasonally averaged winter (top) and summer (bottom) mean temperature (left) and total precipitation (right) for the European Alps for the lower (blue) and upper (red) bound of future changes in the globally and annually averaged near-surface temperature given in the IPCC TAR (Cubasch & Meehl, 2001; see also Figure 1). The boxplots give the uncertainty range obtained from the evaluation of different Alpine scenarios (Table 3). n = number of scenarios evaluated. pdf  gif 

This page is maintained by Dimitrios Gyalistras. Last updated 03-Feb-2005.