ClimTools Home Paper Overview User Manual File Formats Functions

ClimTools Reference - Part B:

Dimitrios Gyalistras
Systems Ecology Group, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

ClimTools 2.9.1, 10-Oct-2006

Table of Contents


1. Format Conversions



DSDToMat - converts data given in Daily Station Data (DSD) format to Matrix (MAT) format.


DSDToMat inFileName outFileName frstOutYear lastOutYear outMonOrSeas {Option}
inFileName = STRING.
outFileName = STRING.
frstOutYear = INTEGER.
lastOutYear = INTEGER.
outMonOrSeas = INTEGER.
Option = "-d"|"-j"|"-n"|"-w".


Input file inFileName must either be in DSD format, or contain a name list of DSD-formatted files. Each of these files may contain one or several daily data sets. All input data are written in MAT format to one single output file named outFileName.

Output is produced for the interval frstOutYear to lastOutYear, and for all days falling within the seasonal time window specified by the argument outMonOrSeas.

If frstOutYear=0, output will start with the earliest year for which data are available within the data base formed by all read daily data sets. If lastOutYear=0, the output will extend up to the last year found in the data base. If no data are available from a data set for a given day, the missing value code ("NA") is written out.

Argument outMonOrSeas controls the days for which output is produced. O: all days of the year; 1-12: all days of the respective month (Jan-Dec) 13-16: all days of the Winter (DJF), respectively Spring (MAM), Summer (JJA) and Autumn (SON) seasons.


-d Date information is outputed using one matrix column named "DATE" using the YYYYMMDD format (default).
-j Date information is outputed using two matrix columns named "YEAR" and "JDAY" (julian day).
-n Matrix rows that contain only missing data values are omitted (default).
-w Forces writing of matrix rows that contain only missing data values.




GDSToGDX - converts gridded data from gridded data sets (GDS) format to the gridded data as text (GDX) format.


GDSToGDX inFileName outFileName firstDate firstTime TimeStep
inFileName = STRING.
outFileName = STRING.
firstDate = INTEGER.
firstTime = INTEGER.
deltaDate = INTEGER.
deltaTime = INTEGER.
TimeStep = "oneYear"|"oneSeason"|"oneMonth"|"oneDay"| "twelveHours"|"eightHours"|"sixHours"| "fourHours"|"threeHours"|"twoHours"|"oneHour"| "thirtyMinutes"|"twentyMinutes"|"fifteenMinutes"| "twelveMinutes"|"tenMinutes"|"oneMinute"


Input file inFileName must be in GDS format. The program produces one GDX-formatted output file named outFileName. The output file will contain as many records as there are data sets in inFileName. The dates and times in the output file are determined according to the parameters firstDate firstTime and TimeStep.






GDSToGRADS - converts gridded data from gridded data sets (GDS) format to the binary data format required by the GrADS software.


GDSToGRADS inFileName outFilesPrefix [-c]
inFileName = STRING.
outFilesPrefix = STRING.


Input file inFileName must be in GDS format. The program produces two output files named "outFilesPrefix.grads" and "outFilesPrefix.ctl, " respectively. The first file will contain the binary data in GrADS format, the second is a text file containing a description of the binary data.


-c Input data are given on the grid of the Swiss (m) coordinate system. Note, in this case the degree coordinates that are outputed in the GrADS 'ctl' file will be only approximations of the original data set's gridpoint coordinates. The output coordinates are computed according to: longitude(i,j) = Longitude( CH2Deg( minLon+(i-1)*cellSize, refLat )), latitude (i,j) = Latitude ( CH2Deg( refLon, minLat+(j-1)*cellSize )), refLon = (maxLon-minLon)/2, refLat = (maxLat-minLat)/2, where CH2Deg is the function used to convert Swiss coordinates to degree coordinates; minLon, maxLon, minLat, maxLat and cellSize are the attributes of the input data set; and i and j are row and column indices, respectively.




GDSToLola - converts gridded data from gridded data sets (GDS) format to the longitude-latitude (LOLA) format.


GDSToLola inFileName outFileName firstDate firstTime TimeStep [-c]
inFileName = STRING.
outFileName = STRING.
firstDate = INTEGER.
firstTime = INTEGER.
TimeStep = "oneYear"|"oneSeason"|"oneMonth"|"oneDay"| "twelveHours"|"eightHours"|"sixHours"| "fourHours"|"threeHours"|"twoHours"|"oneHour"| "thirtyMinutes"|"twentyMinutes"|"fifteenMinutes"| "twelveMinutes"|"tenMinutes"|"oneMinute"
inputGridInCHCoords = "-c".


Input file inFileName must be in GDS format. The program produces one LOLA-formatted output file named outFileName. The output file will contain as many records as there are data sets in inFileName. The dates and times in the output file are determined according to the parameters firstDate firstTime and TimeStep.


-c Input data are given on the grid of the Swiss (m) coordinate system. This option will only affect the grid information that is written in the output file. The data will not be affected. Note, the grid specification in the output file will match the input file grid only approximately. The best match will be around the center of the original data sector, with increasing errors towards the sector's borders. To obtain again a GDS-formatted file after processing of the output file (e.g., within the PINGO environment) use program LolaToGDS, again with option -c. The resulting file will have the same Swiss grid specification as originally found in the file inFileName, unless the LOLA grid specification was modified in the course of the processing.




GDSToSDT - converts files given in Gridded Data Set (GDS) format to Site Data Tables (SDT) format.


GDSToSDT inFileName outFileName [-a]
inFileName = STRING.
outFileName = STRING.


Input file inFileName must contain one or several data sets in GDS format. All output is written to an output file named outFileName.


-a Output is written for all data points, i.e., missing values are also included in the list




GDXToGDS - converts gridded data from gridded data as text (GDX) format to the Gridded Data Set (GDS) format.


GDXToGDS inFileName outFileName {DateTimeChecksFlags} [-n nOutDecDigs]
inFileName = STRING.
outFileName = STRING.
DateTimeChecksFlags = "-d"|"-t".
nOutDecDigs = INTEGER.


Input file inFileName must be in GDX format. All output is written to file outFileName.


Flags DateTimeChecksFlags allow you to control the checking of the correctness of the dates and times found in the first two columns of file inFileName.
-d switch date checks off.
-t switch time checks off.
-n nOutDecDigs specifies the number of decimal digits that are written out after the decimal point ("."). The default number is 3.




GDXToGRADS - converts gridded data from gridded data as text (GDX) format to the binary data format required by the GrADS software.


GDXToGRADS inFileName outFilesPrefix {DateTimeChecksFlags}
inFileName = STRING.
outFilesPrefix = STRING.
DateTimeChecksFlags = "-d"|"-t".


Input file inFileName must be in GDX format. The program produces two output files named "outFilesPrefix.grads" and "outFilesPrefix.ctl, " respectively. The first file will contain the binary data in GrADS format, the second is a text file containing a description of the binary data.


Flags DateTimeChecksFlags allow you to control the checking of the correctness of the dates and times found in the first two columns of file inFileName.
-d switch date checks off.
-t switch time checks off.




GDXToLola - converts gridded data from the gridded data as text (GDX) format to the binary longitude-latitude (LOLA) format.


GDXToLola inFileName outFileName {DateTimeChecksFlags}
inFileName = STRING.
outFileName = STRING.
DateTimeChecksFlags = "-d"|"-t".


Input file inFileName must be in GDX format. The program produces one LOLA-formatted output file named outFileName.


Flags DateTimeChecksFlags allow you to control the checking of the correctness of the dates and times found in the first two columns of file inFileName.
-d switch date checks off.
-t switch time checks off.




GRIBToGDX - converts gridded data from GRIB (GRid In Binary) to gridded data as text (GDX) format.


GRIBToGDX inFileName outFileName variableCode variableLevel
inFileName = STRING.
outFileName = STRING.
variableCode = INTEGER.
variableLevel = INTEGER.


Input file inFileName must be in GRIB format. All records should be defined on the same grid and refer to the same variable and level. The program produces one GDX-formatted output file named outFileName.






LolaToGDS - converts gridded data from longitude-latitude (LOLA) format to the Gridded Data Set (GDS) format.


LolaToGDS inFileName outFileName [-n nOutDecDigs] [-c]
inFileName = STRING.
outFileName = STRING.
nOutDecDigs = INTEGER.


Input file inFileName must be in LOLA format. All output is written to file outFileName.


-n nOutDecDigs specifies the number of decimal digits that are written out after the decimal point ("."). The default number is 3.
-c The grid and sector information found in the input file is translated such that it pertains to the Swiss (m) coordinate system. This option will only affect the grid information that is written in the output file. The data will not be affected. Note, the grid specification in the output file will match the input file grid only approximately. The best match will be around the center of the original data sector, with increasing errors towards the sector's borders. This option is suitable to recover the Swiss grid information of a GDS- formatted file that has previously been translated to LOLA format using the program GDSToLola (with option -c).




LolaToGDX - converts gridded data from longitude-latitude (LOLA) format to gridded-data-as-text (GDX) format.


LolaToGDX inFileName outFileName [-n nOutDecDigs]
inFileName = STRING.
outFileName = STRING.
nOutDecDigs = INTEGER.


Input file inFileName must be in LOLA format. All output is written to file outFileName.


-n nOutDecDigs specifies the number of decimal digits that are written out after the decimal point ("."). The default number is 3.




LolaToGRADS - converts gridded data from longitude-latitude (LOLA) format to the binary data format required by the GrADS software.


LolaToGRADS inFileName outFilesPrefix
inFileName = STRING.
outFilesPrefix = STRING.


Input file inFileName must be in LOLA format. The program produces two output files named "outFilesPrefix.grads" and "outFilesPrefix.ctl, " respectively. The first file will contain the binary data in GrADS format, the second is a text file containing a description of the binary data.






LolaToMat - converts gridded data from longitude-latitude (LOLA) format to the Matrix (Mat) format.


LolaToMat inFileName outFileName [-n nOutDecDigs]
inFileName = STRING.
outFileName = STRING.
nOutDecDigs = INTEGER.


Input file inFileName must be in LOLA format. All output is written to file outFileName.


-n nOutDecDigs specifies the number of decimal digits that are written out after the decimal point ("."). The default number is 3.




MatToDSD - converts data given in Matrix format to Daily Station Data (DSD) format.


MatToDSD inFileName outFilePrefix {InFebDaysSpecif|InDataOrder|MisMonthsHandling}
inFileName = STRING.
outFilePrefix = STRING.
InFebDaysSpecif = "-v"|"-a".
InDataOrder = "-u"|"-s".
MisMonthsHandling = "-n"|"-w".


Input file inFileName must have a column named "DATE", or two columns named "YEAR" and "JDAY", respectively. "DATE" has always priority and is expected in YYYYMMDD format. A "JDAY" column is expected to contain julian days, i.e. the expected value range is [1..365] for normal years, and [1..366] for leap years.

All columns named other than "DATE", "YEAR" or "JDAY" are recognized as data columns. The program writes per found data column one DSD-formatted output file. The file is named outFilePrefix.colid, where colid is the identifier of the respective MATRIX column.


InFebDaysSpecif controls the expected numbering for julian days. InDataOrder controls the expected date order for the input data. MisMonthsHandling controls the output written if no data are available for an entire month.

-v Julian day numbers are expected to vary by year, i.e. from 1 to 365 for normal years, and from 1 to 366 for leap years (default).
-a Julian day numbers are expected to run for ALL years from 1 to 366, i.e. the program expects for all years an entry for February 29th (JDAY = 60). Note, however, in case that a "DATE" column occurs, the program will always accept data rows for February 29th; if the current year is not a leap year, such a YYYY0229 entry will be ignored.
-u The input data can occur in any order (default).
-s The input data are expected to be sorted ascendingly by date, and no missing dates are accepted. The data can, however, start or end at any day of the year.
-n Missing months are not written out (default).
-w Missing months are written out.




MatToGDS - Converts a data file given in MATRIX format to Gridded Data Set (GDS) format.


MatToGDS inFileName outFilesPrefix cellSize nOutDecDigs
inFileName = STRING.
outFilesPrefix = STRING.
cellSize = REAL.
nOutDecDigs = INTEGER.


Input file inFileName must be in MATRIX format. The 1st matrix column must contain the x-coordinates (i.e, longitudes), the 2nd matrix column the y-coordinates (i.e., latitudes). Coordinates may occur in any order. Each further matrix column (=3) is assumed to contain a corresponding list of data values. Argument cellSize specifies the distance between any two adjacent gridpoints in the x and y direction.

For each data column written is one output file named 'outFilesPrefix. columnId', where columnId is the respective column's identifier. The extension of each output grid is defined by the extremal values found in the x- and y- coordinate columns. If a data point does not occur in the input file the missing value code ("NA") is written out for that point. Argument nOutDecDigs specifies the number of decimal digits that are written out after the decimal point (".").






MatToGDX - converts data from the matrix (MAT) format to the gridded data as text (GDX) format.


MatToGDX inFileName outFileName code level nLon minLon maxLon nLat minLat maxLat firstDate firstTime deltaDate deltaTime
inFileName = STRING.
outFileName = STRING.
code = INTEGER.
level = INTEGER.
minLon = REAL.
maxLon = REAL.
minLat = REAL.
maxLat = REAL.
firstDate = INTEGER.
firstTime = INTEGER.
deltaDate = INTEGER.
deltaTime = INTEGER.


Input file inFileName must be in MAT format. The program produces one GDX-formatted output file named outFileName. The output file will contain as many records as there are rows in inFileName. The header information in the output file is specified by the parameters code, level, minLon, maxLon, minLat and maxLat. The date and time for each record are set based on the parameters firstDate, firstTime, deltaDate and deltaTime.






SDTToGDS - converts site-specific information given in Site Data Table (SDT) format to the Gridded Data Sets (GDS) format.


SDTToGDS inFileName outFileName SectorSpecif cellSize
inFileName = STRING.
outFileName = STRING.
SectorSpecif = minXCoord maxXCoord minYCoord maxYCoord.
minXCoord = REAL.
maxXCoord = REAL.
minYCoord = REAL.
maxYCoord = REAL.
cellSize = REAL.






SDTToGRADS - converts site-specific information given in Site Data Table (SDT) format to the binary station data format required by the GrADS software.


SDTToGRADS inFileName outFilesPrefix [inputInCHCoords]
inFileName = STRING.
outFilesPrefix = STRING.
inputInCHCoords = "-c".


Input file inFileName must be in SDT format (columns "xCoord" and "yCoord" mandatory). The program produces two output files named "outFilesPrefix.dat" and "outFilesPrefix.ctl", respectively. The first file will contain the site data in the GrADS binary station data format, the second is a text file containing a description of the data, as required by the GrADS software.


-c Input coordinates are given in the Swiss coordinate system.




SDTToMSD - converts site-specific information given in Site Data Table (SDT) format to the Monthly Station Data (MSD) format.


SDTToMSD inFileName outFileName msdYearNumber
inFileName = STRING.
outFileName = STRING.
yearNumber = INTEGER.




2. Manipulation of Data Sets



GDSChgHdr - changes the header information of a file given in Gridded Data Set (GDS) format.


GDSChgHdr inFileName outFileName dataId dataDescr sectorId sectorDescr nOutDecDigs
inFileName = STRING.
outFileName = STRING.
dataId = LONGINT.
dataDescr = STRING.
sectorId = LONGINT.
sectorDescr = STRING.
nOutDecDigs = INTEGER.


Input file inFileName must contain one or several data sets in GDS format. All output is written to an output file named outFileName.

The output file header is set to "GRIDDED_DATA" dataId dataDescr "SECTOR" sectorId sectorDescr All other values are copied from the input file.

Argument nOutDecDigs specifies the number of decimal digits that are written out after the decimal point.






GDSConcat - concatenates data sets given in Gridded Data Set (GDS) format into one data set.


GDSConcat inFileName outFileName nOutDecDigs
inFileName = STRING.
outFileName = STRING.
nOutDecDigs = INTEGER.


Input file inFileName must contain a list of input file names. All input files must be in GDS format and must be defined on the same grid and sector. The concatenated data set is written in GDS format to a file named outFileName.

Argument nOutDecDigs specifies the number of decimal digits that are written out after the decimal point.






GDSCopy - copies files given in Gridded Data Set (GDS) format.


GDSCopy inFileName outFileName OutputFormat nOutDecDigs {Option}
inFileName = STRING.
outFileName = STRING.
OutputFormat = "gdsStandardFormat"|"interchangeFormat"| "listFormat"|"arcInfoFormat".
nOutDecDigs = INTEGER.
Option = "-a".


Input file inFileName must contain one or several data sets in GDS format. All output is written out in the requested GDS sub-format to an output file named outFileName.

Note, only the "gdsStandardFormat", the "listFormat" (without option -a) and the "arcInfoFormat" are valid GDS sub-formats. Hence output produced using "listFormat" (with option -a) or "interchangeFormat" can not be post-processed by any other GDS utility programs.

Argument nOutDecDigs specifies the number of decimal digits that are written out after the decimal point.


-a Output is written for all data points, i.e., missing values are also included in the list. This option has only an effect if OutputFormat = "listFormat").




GDSMerge - merges two or more data sets given in Gridded Data Set (GDS) format.


GDSMerge inFileName outFileName nOutDecDigs {Option}
inFileName = STRING.
outFileName = STRING.
nOutDecDigs = REAL.
Option = "-o".


Input file inFileName must contain a list of input file names. All input files must be in GDS format and must be defined on the same grid, but they must not necessarily cover the same sector. The merged data set is written in GDS format to a file named outFileName.

Merging is done such that the data from an input file listed later in inFileName are used to overwrite the data from the earlier input files. By default, missing values are not used for overwriting.

The number of outputed data sets corresponds to the maximum number of data sets that is found among all input files. If an input file contains less data sets than the maximum number of data sets the "missing" data sets are treated as fields of missing values.

Argument nOutDecDigs specifies the number of decimal digits that are written out after the decimal point.


-o Allows overwriting of non-missing values by missing values.




GDSSelGridpts - selects from a data set given in Gridded Data Set (GDS) format all gridpoints falling within or outside a given region.


GDSSelGridpts gdsInFileName rpgInFileName outFileName distFromRegBoundary nOutDecDigs {Option}
gdsInFileName = STRING.
rpgInFileName = STRING.
outFileName = STRING.
distFromRegBoundary = REAL.
nOutDecDigs = INTEGER.
Option = "-c"|"-c1"|"-c2".


Input file gdsInFileName must contain one or several data sets in GDS format. Input file rpgInFileName must be in Region Polygon (RPG) format. All output is written to a GDS-formatted file named outFName.

Argument distFromRegBoundary specifies which gridpoints to select: If distFromRegBoundary is smaller than or equal to zero (if it is greater than zero) selected are all gridpoints which are found within (which are found outside) the first region defined in file rpgInFileName, and which are at a distance of at least distFromRegBoundary kilometers from this region's boundary. The output file will contain the input file values for all selected gridpoints and the missing value code ("NA") for all other gridpoints.

Argument nOutDecDigs specifies the number of decimal digits that are written out after the decimal point.


-c Coordinates in both input files refer to the Swiss (m) coordinate system.
-c1 Coordinates in file gdsInFileName refer to the Swiss (m) coordinate system.
-c2 Coordinates in file rpgInFileName refer to the Swiss (m) coordinate system.




GDSSelSector - selects a rectangular sector from a data set given in Gridded Data Set (GDS) format.


GDSSelSector inFileName outFileName SectorSpecif nOutDecDigs
inFileName = STRING.
outFileName = STRING.
SectorSpecif = minXCoord maxXCoord minYCoord maxYCoord.
minXCoord = REAL.
maxXCoord = REAL.
minYCoord = REAL.
maxYCoord = REAL.
nOutDecDigs = INTEGER.


Input file inFileName must contain one or several data sets in GDS format. All output is written again in GDS format to an output file named outFileName.

Argument nOutDecDigs specifies the number of decimal digits that are written out after the decimal point.






GDSSplit - splits a Gridded Data Set (GDS) formatted file to several files.


GDSSplit inFileName outFsPrefix nOutDecDigs
inFileName = STRING.
outFsPrefix = STRING.
nOutDecDigs = INTEGER.


Input file inFileName must contain one or several data sets in GDS format. All output is written again in GDS format to a series of output files named outFsPrefix.i, where i stands for the i-th data set found in file inFileName.

Argument nOutDecDigs specifies the number of decimal digits that are written out after the decimal point.






GDXCopyDatesTimes - copies dates and times from a file in gridded data as text (GDX) format to an other GDX file.


GDXCopyDatesTimes inFileName1 inFileName2 outFileName [-n nOutDecDigs]
inFileName1 = STRING.
inFileName2 = STRING.
outFileName = STRING.
nOutDecDigs = INTEGER.


Input files inFileName1 and inFileName2 must be in GDX format. The program generates one GDX output file named outFileName which contains dates and times from file inFileName1 and data from file inFileName2. If inFileName1 has less records than inFileName2 the remaining dates and times of inFileName2 are left unchanged.


-n nOutDecDigs specifies the number of decimal digits that are written out after the decimal point ("."). The default number is 6.




LolaChgHdr - changes the header information in all records of a file given in longitude-latitude (LOLA) format.


LolaChgHdr inFileName newCode newLevel newDayNr newTime outFileName
inFileName = STRING.
newCode = INTEGER.
newLevel = INTEGER.
newDayNr = INTEGER.
newTime = INTEGER.
outFileName = STRING.


Input file inFileName must be in LOLA format. All output is written again in LOLA format to file outFileName. If a new* parameter equals to -9999, the corresponding header attribute is left unchanged in all records.






SDTConvCoords - converts values of x- and y-coordinate columns of a file given in Site Data Table (SDT) format.


SDTConvCoords inFileName outFileName ConversionType
inFileName = STRING.
outFileName = STRING.
ConversionType = "chCoordsToDegrees | degreesToChCoords".


Input file inFileName must be in SDT format; the columns "xCoord" and "yCoord" are mandatory. The output file outFileName will contain the same data as the input file, except for the values in the "xCoord" and "yCoord" columns which are converted according to ConversionType.





SDTMerge - merges data sets given in Site Data Table (SDT) format.


SDTMerge inFileName outFileName [mergeOnlyRealColumns]
inFileName = STRING.
outFileName = STRING.
mergeOnlyRealColumns = "-r".


Input file inFileName must contain the names of the SDT-formatted files to be merged. At least two file names are expected. All output is written to a SDT-formatted file named outFileName.


-r Only columns of type REAL and LONGREAL are outputed.




SDTSelSector - selects from a file given in Site Data Table (SDT) format all locations falling within a given sector.


SDTSelSector inFileName outFileName SectorSpecif
inFileName = STRING.
outFileName = STRING.
SectorSpecif = minXCoord maxXCoord minYCoord maxYCoord.
minXCoord = REAL.
maxXCoord = REAL.
minYCoord = REAL.
maxYCoord = REAL.




3. Calculations



DSDScalOp - performs scalar operations on data sets given in Daily Station Data (DSD) format.


DSDScalOp inFileName outFileName ScalOpSpecif operand
inFileName = STRING.
outFileName = STRING.
ScalOpSpecif = "ADD"|"SUB"|"DIV"|"MULT".
operand = REAL.


Input file inFileName must either be in DSD format, or contain a name list of DSD-formatted files. Each of these files may contain one or several daily data sets. All output DSD data sets are written to one output file named outFileName.

ScalOpSpecif specifies the kind of scalar operation to perform, and operand is the value to be used for this operation. The operation is applied to each valid data point of an input DSD data set.






GDSAggregate - spatially aggregates data sets given in Gridded Data Set (GDS) format.


GDSAggregate inFileName outFileName nAvrgGridCells nOutDecDigs
inFileName = STRING.
outFileName = STRING.
nAvrgGridCells = INTEGER.
nOutDecDigs = INTEGER.


Input file inFileName must contain one or several data sets in GDS format. All output is written again in GDS format to an output file named outFileName.

Gridpoint values of the new grid are computed as the average of all gridpoints found in non-overlapping quadratic areas with side lengths nAvrgGridCells. Note, nAvrgGridCells must be an odd number. The upper left gridpoint contained in the first quadratic area coincides with the upper left gridpoint of the original grid. If more than 3/4 of all gridpoints contained in a quadratic area are missing, a missing value is written out for the respective gridpoint.

Argument nOutDecDigs specifies the number of decimal digits that are written out after the decimal point.






GDSCalcSAM - computes from data sets given in Gridded Data Set (GDS) format the so-called slope aspect modifier (SAM) for adjustment of potential evapotranspiration calculations in the ForClim/ForLand model families.


GDSCalcSAM slopeInFileName aspectInFileName critSlopeVal outFileName nOutDecDigs {Option}
slopeInFileName = STRING.
aspectInFileName = STRING.
critSlopeVal = REAL.
outFileName = STRING.
nOutDecDigs = INTEGER.
Option = "-p".


Input files slopeInFileName and aspectInFileName must contain data sets in the Gridded Data Set (GDS) format and must be defined on the same grid. All output is written in GDS format to an output file named outFileName.

slopeInFileName and aspectInFileName must contain the slope and aspect data, respectively. Data in both files must be given in degrees (slope: 0..90 deg; aspect: 0..360 deg, N = 0 deg, E = 90 deg, S = 180 deg, W = 270 deg).

The outputed SAM values range from -2.0 to 2.0. These extremal values are reached if aspect equals 0 deg and 180 deg, respectively, and if the slope is equal to, or above the critical value critSlopeVal. The parameter critSlopeVal is always specified in degrees (allowed range: [0..90]).

The formula used is SAM = slopeFact*aspectFact (if aspectFact greater than zero), or SAM = 2*slopeFact*aspectFact (if aspectFact less or equal zero), with slopeFact = MIN(2.0,slope*(2.0/critSlopeVal), and aspectFact = 0.75*Cos((aspect+180)*2*pi/360)+0.25, where pi = 3.141593.

Argument nOutDecDigs specifies the number of decimal digits that are written out after the decimal point.


-p Slope in file slopeInFileName is given in percent.




GDSCalcSEOF - computes spatial Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOFs) for a data set given in Gridded Data Set (GDS) format.


GDSCalcSEOF inFileName diagnOutFileName eofOutFileName SectorSpecif SEOFSpecif numOutEOFs
inFileName = STRING.
diagnOutFileName = STRING.
eofOutFileName = STRING.
SectorSpecif = minXCoord maxXCoord minYCoord maxYCoord.
minXCoord = REAL.
maxXCoord = REAL.
minYCoord = REAL.
maxYCoord = REAL.
SEOFSpecif = seofNumGridCells dXNumGridCells dYNumGridCells.
seofNumGridCells = INTEGER.
dXNumGridCells = INTEGER.
dYNumGridCells = INTEGER.


Input file inFileName can contain one or several data sets in GDS format. However, only the first found data set is analyzed. Output is written to output file diagnOutFileName in Matrix (MAT) format, and to output file eofOutFileName in GDS format.

The EOF analysis is performed for the sector specified in SectorSpecif using quadratic areas (A) from that sector with sidelength seofNumGridCells. seofNumGridCells must be odd and = 3. The center of the first quadratic area used is given by row0=col0=(seofNumGridCells DIV 2)+1, the centers of all further areas used are determined as all areas which fall entirely within the sector SectorSpecif, and for which row=(row0+j*dYNumGridCells) and col=col0+k*dXNumGridCells, with j and k being integers greater zero.

Note, prior to computing the EOFs, the data for each area A are normalized by subtracting from each data point of A the value of A's central point.

The file diagnOutFileName will contain detailed diagnostic outputs on the EOF analysis performed.

The file eofOutFileName will contain the following information in GDS format: DATASET_NR = 1 will contain the vector of averages that was subtracted prior to computing the EOFs. The remaining data sets contain the EOFs, i.e. the data set with number i refers to the (i-1)th EOF. The number of EOFs that is written out is specified by the parameter numOutEOFs.






GDSCalcSPC - computes spatial Principal Components (PCs) for a data set given in Gridded Data Set (GDS) format.


GDSCalcSPC dataInFileName eofInFileName outFileName SectorSpecif numOutPCs
dataInFileName = STRING.
eofInFileName = STRING.
outFileName = STRING.
SectorSpecif = minXCoord maxXCoord minYCoord maxYCoord.
minXCoord = REAL.
maxXCoord = REAL.
minYCoord = REAL.
maxYCoord = REAL.
numOutPCs = INTEGER.


Input file dataInFileName must contain one or several data sets in GDS format; the PCs are however evaluated only for the first data set found in that file. Input file eofInFileName must contain a set of spatial Empirical Orthogonal Functions (SEOF) in GDS format, as produced by program GDSCalcSEOF. All output is written in GDS format to an output file named outFileName.

The spatial PCs at a given location (L) are computed using input data from a quadratic area (A) containing L in its center. The size of A is defined by the dimension of the currently used SEOFs. The i-th PC is computed according to:

PC(i) = Sum(k=1..nP){ (Z(k) - Zo - MZ(k))*EOF(i,k) }

with nP : dimension of spatial EOFs (i.e., the number of gridpoints in area A. Z(k) : input data from dataInFileName for the k-th gridpoint within A. Zo : input data from dataInFileName for the central gridpoint of A. MZ(k) : the mean data field that had been subtracted prior to calculation of the EOFs, as given by the first data set from file eofInFileName. EOF(i,k) : The k-th gridpoint of the i-th spatial EOF, as given by the k-th gridpoint from the i+1-th data set from file eofInFileName.

SectorSpecif specifies the sector from dataInFileName which is considered for the calculation of the PCs. Note, the evaluation of the PCs requires input data for gridpoints which are up to a distance (seofNumGridCells DIV 2) gridcells from the border of this sector, where seofNumGridCells is the sidelength of the spatial EOFs (equals to the square root of nP). In order compute the the PCs for a particular gridpoint, valid values for at least 4/5 of all needed gridpoints must be available from dataInFileName. Otherwise missing values are written out for the PCs of that particular gridpoint.

The output file outFileName will contain up to numOutPCs in GDS format, where DATASET_NR = i corresponds to the i-th PC.






GDSCalcSurfPars - computes parameters of a 2D-surface given in Gridded Data Set (GDS) format


GDSCalcSurfPars surfInFileName outFilesPrefix nOutDecDigs
surfInFileName = STRING.
outFilesPrefix = STRING.
nOutDecDigs = INTEGER.


Input file surfInFileName must contain data in the Gridded Data Set (GDS) format. All output is written in GDS format to 4 output files with prefix outFilesPrefix.

Input file surfInFileName is assumed to contain the data defining a 2-D surface, e.g. elevation data (Z, in m). The names and contents of the output files are as follows:

1. outFilesPrefix.slope: Slope = dZ/dS, where S is the distance in the aspect direction. Given in % (100*m/m)

2. outFilesPrefix.aspect: Aspect = direction of maximum slope, 0-360, given in degrees (N = 0 deg, S = 180 deg)

3. outFilesPrefix.profCurv: Profile curvature = ddZ/ddS in direction of slope, given in 1/1000 m

4. outFilesPrefix.planCurv: Planform curvature = ddZ/ddS transverse to the slope, given in 1/1000 m

All values are derived by fitting for every input gridpoint a partial quartic equation using the surface/elevation data for that particular gridpoint and the 8 surrounding gridpoints. The equation is such that the resulting surface passes exactly through the 9 gridpoint's Z values. A missing value is returned for the target gridpoint in all output data fields if data for at least one of the 9 gridpoints are missing. Reference: Zevenbergen, L.W. & Thorne, C.R. (1987): Quantitative analysis of land surface topography. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 12: 47-56.

Argument nOutDecDigs specifies the number of decimal digits that are written out after the decimal point.






GDSEstimZ - estimates for a data set given in Gridded Data Set (GDS) format the field (Z) values for a list of locations that are given in Site Data Table (SDT) format.


GDSEstimZ gdsInFileName sdtInFileName outFNameOrPrefix {Option}
gdsInFileName = STRING.
sdtInFileName = STRING.
outFNameOrPrefix = STRING.
Option = "-s"|"-i"|"-c"|"-c1"|"-c2".


Input file gdsInFileName must contain one or several data sets in GDS format. Input file sdtInFileName must be in Site Data Table (SDT) format and must have two columns named "xCoord" and "yCoord", respectively.

If there is only one data set in the GDS file all output is written to an SDT-formatted file named outFNameOrPrefix. Otherwise output is written to a series of SDT-formatted files named, where nr denotes the output for the nr-th input data set.

If a given point (x,y) coincides with a gridpoint of the input grid the program will return the gridpoint value. If no such gridpoint exists, the program will attempt to interpolate the Z-value by fitting a quadratic surface to the 9 closest points found in the original grid. A missing value is written out if one of the 9 points does not exist or has a missing value.


-s Write out a "SiteId" column instead of the "xCoord" and "yCoord" columns. In this case input file sdtInFileName must also have a column named "SiteId".
-i Provide additional information in the output file, as follows: The used procedure to obtain a Z-value is given in a column named "Interpolated". Interpolated = FALSE means that the Z-value in the output file corresponds to a gridpoint value, whereas Interpolated = TRUE signifies that the value was estimated from the 9 surrounding gridpoints. A second, boolean-typed column named "InSector" is used to specify whether the respective point (x,y) falls within the sector covered by the GDS data set.
-c Coordinates in both input files refer to the Swiss (m) coordinate system.
-c1 Coordinates in file gdsInFileName refer to the Swiss (m) coordinate system.
-c1 Coordinates in file sdtInFileName refer to the Swiss (m) coordinate system.




GDSDyadicOp - performs dyadic operations on two data sets given in Gridded Data Set (GDS) format.


GDSDyadicOp inFileName1 ScalOpSpecif inFileName2 outFileName nOutDecDigs
inFileName1 = STRING.
ScalOpSpecif = "ADD"|"SUB"|"DIV"|"MULT".
inFileName2 = STRING.
outFileName = STRING.
nOutDecDigs = INTEGER.


Input files inFileName1 and inFileName2 must contain one or several data sets in GDS format and must be defined on the same grid, but must not necessarily cover the same sector. All output is written again in GDS format to an output file named outFileName.

ScalOpSpecif specifies the kind of scalar operation to perform.

The output sector is defined such, that it contains both sectors defined in the two input files. An output gridpoint is assigned the result of the dyadic operation if valid gridpoint data is available from both input grids. Otherwise a missing value is written out. If one of the two input files has more data sets than the other, the last data set of the file having the smaller number of data sets is allways re-used for the dyadic operation.

Argument nOutDecDigs specifies the number of decimal digits that are written out after the decimal point.






GDSLimValRange - limits the value range of a data set given in Gridded Data Set (GDS) format.


GDSLimValRange inFileName min max outFileName nOutDecDigs
inFileName = STRING.
min = REAL.
max = REAL.
outFileName = STRING.
nOutDecDigs = INTEGER.


Input file inFileName must contain one or several data sets in GDS format. All output is written again in GDS format to a file named outFileName.

Arguments min and max specify the lower and upper values, respectively, that are used to limit the input data values. The operation is applied to each valid data point from file inFileName.

Argument nOutDecDigs specifies the number of decimal digits that are written out after the decimal point.






GDSRegrid - interpolate data sets given in Gridded Data Set (GDS) format onto a new grid.


GDSRegrid inFileName outFileName refXCoord refYCoord cellSize nOutDecDigs {Option}
inFileName = STRING.
outFileName = STRING.
refXCoord = REAL.
refYCoord = REAL.
cellSize = REAL.
nOutDecDigs = REAL.
Option = "-c"|"-d".


Input file inFileName must contain one or several data sets in GDS format. All output is written again in GDS format to an output file named outFileName.

The new grid is defined by the parameters refXCoord, refYCoord and cellSize. The area covered by the new grid is given by all new gridpoints which fall within the area covered by the original grid. Gridpoint values of the new grid are computed by fitting a quadratic surface to the 9 closest points found in the original grid, if 9 such points exist and have all non-missing values. Otherwise a missing value is written out for that particular gridpoint of the output grid.

Argument nOutDecDigs specifies the number of decimal digits that are written out after the decimal point.


-c The input data are given on a longitude-latitude (degrees) grid. The output data are calculated for a grid given in the Swiss (m) coordinate system, according to arguments refXCoord, refYCoord and cellSize.
-d The input data are given on the Swiss coordinate system (m) grid. The output data are calculated for a longitude-latitude (degrees) grid, according to arguments refXCoord, refYCoord and cellSize.




GDSScalOp - performs a scalar operation on data given in Gridded Data Set (GDS) format.


GDSScalOp inFileName ScalOpSpecif operand outFileName nOutDecDigs
inFileName = STRING.
ScalOpSpecif = "ADD"|"SUB"|"DIV"|"MULT".
operand = REAL.
outFileName = STRING.
nOutDecDigs = INTEGER.


Input file inFileName must contain one or several data sets in GDS format. All output is written again in GDS format to an output file named outFileName.

ScalOpSpecif specifies the kind of scalar operation to perform, and operand is the value to be used for this operation. The operation is applied to each valid data point.

Argument nOutDecDigs specifies the number of decimal digits that are written out after the decimal point.






GDSSmooth - spatially smooths data sets given in Gridded Data Set (GDS) format.


GDSSmooth inFileName outFileName nSmoothGridCells nOutDecDigs
inFileName = STRING.
outFileName = STRING.
nSmoothGridCells = INTEGER.
nOutDecDigs = INTEGER.


Input file inFileName must contain one or several data sets in GDS format. All output is written again in GDS format to an output file named outFileName.

Gridpoint values of the new grid are computed by assigning to each gridpoint the mean of all gridpoints contained in a quadratic area of size nSmoothGridCells x nSmoothGridCells surrounding that gridpoint. Note, nSmoothGridCells must be be odd and = 3. The output grid has the same dimensions as the input grid. Missing values are outputed close to the borders of the new data set, as well as for all gridpoints with less than 3/4 of all surrounding gridpoints carrying valid data.

Argument nOutDecDigs specifies the number of decimal digits that are written out after the decimal point.






GDXCalcDegDays - computes annual sum of growing degree days from monthly mean temperature data given in gridded data as text (GDX) format.


GDXCalcDegDays inFileName outFileName temperThreshold
inFileName = STRING.
outFileName = STRING.
temperThreshold = REAL.


Input file inFileName must be in GDX format. temperThreshold is the temperature threshold used for the degree days calculation (e.g., 5.5 [degC]). The program generates an annual time step GDX output file named outFileName.






GDXTimeSerFilter - computes low- ad high-pass filtered time series from data given in gridded data as text (GDX) format.


GDXTimeSerFilter inFileName outFilesPrefix FilterType cutoffPeriodLength
inFileName = STRING.
outFilesPrefix = STRING.
FilterType = "runningMean"|"gaussianFilter".
cutoffPeriodLength = INTEGER.


Input file inFileName must be in GDX format. The program generates two GDX formatted output files containing the low- and high-pass filtered data. The fil esrmatted output files containing the low- and high-pass filtered data. The fil are named 'outFilesPrefix.LP.gdx' and 'outFilesPrefix.HP.gdx', respectively.

Argument FilterType specifies the type of filter to use. Filtering is done separately for each gridpoint of the input data set.

Argument cutoffPeriodLength, is the used cutoff period length (L*). Periodic signal components with a period length smaller (larger) than L* are suppressed in the low pass (high pass) filtered time series. L* is specified in time steps, where the time step increment between any two adjacent input data records is assumed to be constant and equal to 1.

Note, L* determines the number of adjacent records (N) that are used to produce the output value for a given timepoint. For FilterType = 'runningMean' is N = L*,output value for a given timepoint. For FilterType = 'runningMean' is N = whereas for FilterType = 'gaussianFilter' holds: (L*,N) = (2,1), (3,2), (4,2), (5,2), (6,3), (7,3), (8,3), (9,4), (10,4), (15,6), (20,8), (30,11).

Reference: Schoenwiese, C.D. (1992): Praktische Statistik fuer Meteorologen und Geowissenschaftler. 2. Aufl., Gebr. Borntraeger, Berlin, Stuttgart, pp 189-199.






SDTFindNbrs - finds neighbour locations for locations given in Site Data Table (SDT) formatted file.


SDTFindNbrs inFileName1 inFileName2 maxNeighbours outFilesPrefix [-s] [inputInCHCoords]
inFileName1 = STRING.
inFileName2 = STRING.
maxNeighbours = INTEGER.
outFilesPrefix = STRING.
inputInCHCoords = "-c"|"-c1"|"-c2".


Input files inFileName1 and inFileName2 must be in SDT format. The first file should contain the list of all locations for which neighbour locations are to be searched, the second one the list of all locations to be searched for. The columns named "xCoord" and "yCoord" are mandatory for both input files. The column "SiteId" must be present in inFileName2. Note, the same file name can be used for inFileName1 as well as inFileName2. The program produces two output files providing for each location found in inFileName1 information on the first maxNeighbours neighbour locations from inFileName2. The first output file is named "outFilesPrefix.nbrs.SDT" and contains the "SiteIds" of the neighbour locations. The second output file is named "outFilesPrefix.dist.SDT" and contains the distances (in km) to the found neighbour locations.


-s Write the "SiteId" column instead of the "xCoord" and "yCoord" columns to the output file. In this case the column named "SiteId" must be present also in input file inFileName1.
-c, -c1, -c2 Input coordinates for both input files (respectively only for input file 1 or input file 2) are given in the Swiss coordinate system.




SDTFitMLReg - fits multiple linear regression models to predict an independent variable at a list of target locations given in Site Data Table (SDT) format.


SDTFitMLReg targetLocationsFileName nbrLocationIdentsFileName nbrDistancesFileName nbrIndepDataFileName nbrDepDataFileName maxDistance maxNeighbours outFilesPrefix [-x]
targetLocationsFileName = STRING.
nbrLocationIdentsFileName = STRING.
nbrDistancesFileName = STRING.
nbrIndepDataFileName = STRING.
nbrDepDataFileName = STRING.
maxDistance = REAL.
maxNeighbours = INTEGER.
outFilesPrefix = STRING.



-x Run in cross-validation mode: regressions for a given location from targetLocationsFileName are determined without using any neighbour information for that particular location.




SDTUseMLReg - uses multiple linear regression models to predict an independent variable at a list of target locations given in Site Data Table (SDT) format.


SDTUseMLReg targetLocationsFileName multLinRegParamsFileName predictorDataFileName outFileName
targetLocationsFileName = STRING.
multLinRegParamsFileName = STRING.
predictorDataFileName = STRING.
outFileName = STRING.




4. Statistics



DSDCondExtr - extracts daily values from Daily Station Data (DSD) data sets conditional on the daily values found in a reference DSD data set.


DSDCondExtr inFileName refInFileName outFilesSuffix minRefVal maxRefVal {Option}
inFileName = STRING.
refInFileName = STRING.
outFilesSuffix = STRING.
minRefVal = REAL.
maxRefVal = REAL.
Option = "-a".


Input file inFileName specifies the input data to be extracted conditional on the so-called "reference" data read from file refInFileName. File inFileName must either contain one or several daily data sets, or a name list of DSD-formatted files. Each of these files may again contain one or several daily data sets. File refInFileName must contain only one data set. The extracted data are written to DSD-formatted output files named "inFileName.outFilesSuffix".

Arguments minRefVal and maxRefVal specify the value range in the reference data set for which the data from the input file(s) are extracted. If an input value does not fall within the specified range, the input value is replaced by a missing value. If for a given month only missing values are available, no output is produced for for this month.


-a Output is produced for all months, irrespective of data availability.




DSDCondStats - computes statistics for Daily Station Data (DSD) data sets conditional on the daily values found in a reference DSD data set.


DSDCondStats inFileName refInFileName outFileName frstAnaYear lastAnaYear minAnaVal maxAnaVal minRefVal maxRefVal refClassWidth StatisticSpecif {StatisticSpecif}
inFileName = STRING.
refInFileName = STRING.
outFileName = STRING.
frstAnaYear = INTEGER.
lastAnaYear = INTEGER.
minAnaVal = REAL.
maxAnaVal = REAL.
minRefVal = REAL.
maxRefVal = REAL.
refClassWidth = REAL.
StatisticSpecif = "MEAN"|"SUM"|"STDDEV"|"SKEWNESS"| "MIN"|"PERC_5"|"PERC_10"|"PERC_25"|"MED"| "PERC_75"|"PERC_90"|"PERC_95"|"MAX"|"N_AVAIL".


Input file inFileName specifies the input data to be analyzed conditional on the so-called "reference" data read from file refInFileName. File inFileName must either contain one or several daily data sets, or a name list of DSD-formatted files. Each of these files may again contain one or several daily data sets. File refInFileName must contain only one daily data set. The analysis results are written to output file outFileName.

The analysis is performed for the interval frstAnaYear to lastAnaYear. If frstAnaYear=0, the data analyzed for a given input data set will start with the earliest year which is available in both, this data set and the reference data set. Similarly, if lastAnaYear=0, the analysis will use all data up to the last year available in both data sets.

Arguments minAnaVal and maxAnaVal allow you to select a subset of the data of the input data set for analysis. For example, if inFileName and refInFileName contain daily precipitation totals and daily mean temperatures, respectively, then if you choose minAnaVal = 0.1 [mm] and maxAnaVal = 10000 [mm] the program will compute precipitation statistics conditional on daily mean temperatures using data from all days for which daily precipitation totals are within the interval [0.1..10000[.

Arguments minRefVal, maxRefVal and refClassWidth specify the binning of the reference data. For instance, if in the above example you choose minRefVal = -20.0 [degC], maxRefVal = 30.0 [degC], and refClassWidth 2.5 [degC], the program will compute precipitation statistics for the following temperature classes: [MIN(REAL)..-20[, [-20..-17.5[, [-17.5..-15[ etc., up to [27.5..30.0[ and [30.0 .. MAX(REAL)].

StatisticSpecif specifies the kind of statistic(s) to write out, where "PERC_nn" denotes the nn-percentile. The minimum number of data points needed to compute a statistic for a given input data set are for a given month: N_AVAIL = nYrs*20; for a given season: N_AVAIL = nYrs*70; for the the entire year: N_AVAIL = nYrs*330, where nYrs=lastAnaYear-frstAnaYear+1. If not enough valid data points are available, a missing value is written out for the statistic(s) related to that particular month, season, or year. Output is produced separately for each month/season, and the entire year.






DSDSeasTimeSer - computes time series of monthly, seasonal or annual statistics from Daily Station Data (DSD) data sets.


DSDSeasTimeSer inFileName outFileName frstYear lastYear monOrSeas StatisticSpecif {StatisticSpecif} {Option}
inFileName = STRING.
outFileName = STRING.
frstYear = INTEGER.
lastYear = INTEGER.
monOrSeas = INTEGER.
StatisticSpecif = "MEAN"|"SUM"|"STDDEV"|"SKEWNESS"| "MIN"|"PERC_5"|"PERC_10"|"PERC_25"|"MED"| "PERC_75"|"PERC_90"|"PERC_95"|"MAX"|"N_AVAIL"| ("ABS_FREQU"|"REL_FREQU"|"AVRG_SPELL_LENGTH") eventMinThresh eventMaxThresh|"PERC_DATA_IN_SPELL" eventMinThresh eventMaxThresh spellMinLength spellMaxLength.
eventMinThresh = REAL.
eventMaxThresh = REAL.
spellMinLength = INTEGER.
spellMaxLength = INTEGER.
Option = "-m"|"-s".


Input file inFileName must either be in DSD format, or contain a name list of DSD-formatted files. Each of these files may contain one or several daily data sets. All result time series are written to one output file named outFileName.

The analysis is performed for the interval frstYear to lastYear. If frstYear=0, the data analyzed for a given input data set will start with the earliest available year in this data set. If lastYear=0, the analysis will use all data points up to the last available year for each data set.

The argument monOrSeas controls the time of the year for which to compute the statistics time series. O: all days of the year; 1-12: all days of the respective month (Jan.-Dec.); 13-16: all days of the Winter (DJF), respectively Spring (MAM), Summer (JJA) and Autumn (SON) seasons.

StatisticSpecif specifies the kind of statistic(s) to write out. "PERC_nn" denotes the nn-percentile. "ABS_FREQU", "REL_FREQU" and "AVRG_SPELL_LENGTH" denote the absolute frequencies, relative frequencies and average spell lengths of events which are determined by counting all data points which are within the range [eventMinThresh ..eventMaxThresh[. "PERC_DATA_IN_SPELL" returns the percentage of data points which fall within a spell of length

The minimum number of data points needed to compute a statistic for a given DSD data set and year are: for a given month: N_AVAIL = 20; for a given season: N_AVAIL = 70; for the entire year: N_AVAIL = 330. If not enough valid data points are available, a missing value is written out for that particular year.


The optional flags are used to force output of monthly and/or seasonal time series for all seasons or months. The flags always override the choice of a particular month or season as specified by argument monOrSeas.

-m Output is produced for all months. If monOrSeas = 0 the monthly statistics will be written out in addition to the annual statistics.
-s Output is produced for all seasons. If monOrSeas = 0 the seasonal statistics will be written out in addition to the annual statistics.




GDSCompare - pairwise comparison of fields from two data sets given in Gridded Data Set (GDS) format.


GDSCompare inFileName1 inFileName2 outFileName nOutDecDigs
inFileName1 = STRING.
inFileName2 = STRING.
outFileName = STRING.
nOutDecDigs = INTEGER.


Input files inFileName1 and inFileName2 must contain one or several data sets in GDS format and must be defined on the same grid, but must not necessarily cover the same sector. All output is written to file outFileName in Matrix (MAT) format.

Comparison is done pairwise between data sets with the same numbers. If one of the two input files has more data sets than the other, the last data set of the file having the smaller number of data sets is re-used. The data vectors compared are defined by all available gridpoint pairs (valid data at coinciding locations) from the two compared data sets.

Results for each comparison are written out columnwise. The following statistics are outputted.

Number of common obs. N

Mean error ME = (1/n)*Sum{ x[i]-y[i] }

Mean absolute error MAE = (1/n)*Sum{|x[i]-y[i]|}

Mean percent error MPE = (100/n)*Sum{ (x[i]-y[i])/x[i] }

Mean abs. percent error MAPE = (100/n)*Sum{|(x[i]-y[i])/x[i]|}

Sum of square errors SSE = Sum{ (x[i]-y[i])^2 }

Mean square error MSE = (1/n)*SSE

Root mean square error RMSE = Sqrt(MSE)

Reduction of error RE = 1-(SSE/Sum{ (x[i]-Mean(x))^2 }

Squared correl. coeff. R2 = Cor( x, y )^2

Spearman rank correl. coeff. SRC = Cor( Ranks(x), Ranks(y) )

SSE with bias removed SSEBR = Sum{ (x[i]-y[i]-ME)^2 }

MSE with bias removed MSEBR = (1/n)*SSEBR

RMSE with bias removed RMSEBR = Sqrt(MSEBR)

Here x and y denote the compared gridpoint vectors from a given data set pair from files inFileName1 and inFileName2, respectively, and i denotes the i-th compared common gridpoint.

Argument nOutDecDigs specifies the number of decimal digits that are written out after the decimal point.






GDSStats - writes out statistics on gridded data sets (GDS)


GDSStats inFileName outFileName [-l]
inFileName = STRING.
outFileName = STRING.


Input file inFileName must be in GDS format. The statistics are written to output file named outFileName..


-l All statistics of the same type are written out on one line (facilitates comparison between all data sets in the file).




GDXTimeSerStats - computes time series statistics for the gridpoints a field given in gridded data as text (GDX) format.


GDXTimeSerStats inFileName outFileName [-p frstYear lastYear] [-n nOutDecDigs]
inFileName = STRING.
outFileName = STRING.
frstYear = INTEGER.
lastYear = INTEGER.
nOutDecDigs = INTEGER.


The program generates a GDX-fomratted output file named outFileName which contains the following fields:

Date Description

1001**01 Number of data points n

1001**02 Mean mu = (1/n)*Sum{x[i]}

1001**03 Sum of squares ss = Sum{(x[i]-mu)^2}

1001**04 Variance var = ss/(n-1)

1001**05 Standard deviation stdv = Sqrt(var)

1001**06 Coefficient of variation cv = 100*stdv/mu

(1001**07 Skewness skew = not yet implemented !)

(1001**08 Kurtosis kurt = not yet implemented !)

1001**09 Minimum min

1001**10 1st-percentile p1

1001**11 5th-percentile p5

1001**12 10th-percentile p10

1001**13 25th-percentile p25

1001**14 50th-percentile (median) med

1001**15 75th-percentile p75

1001**16 90th-percentile p90

1001**17 95th-percentile p95

1001**18 99th-percentile p99

1001**19 Maximum max

1001**20 Trend (units per time step) trd

1001**21 Trend F-value (Ho: slope=0) trdFVal

1001**22 Trend p-value (Ho: slope=0) trdPVal

Here x denotes a gridpoint timeseries from file inFileName, and i is the timestep index.


-p considered are only data points with year within [frstYear..lastYear].
-n nOutDecDigs specifies the number of decimal digits that are written out after the decimal point ("."). The default number is 6.




GDXCompTimeSer - compares gridpoint time series of two fields given in gridded data as text (GDX) format.


GDXCompTimeSer inFileName1 inFileName2 outFileName [Option {Option}]
inFileName1 = STRING.
inFileName2 = STRING.
outFileName = STRING.
Option = YearsOption | NumOutDecDigsOption
YearsOption = "-y" frstYear lastYear.
frstYear = INTEGER.
lastYear = INTEGER.
NumOutDecDigsOption = "-n" nOutDecDigs.
nOutDecDigs = INTEGER.


Input files inFileName1 and inFileName2 must be in GDX format. The two fields must be defined over the same region and time interval (i.e., same numbers of gridpoints and timepoints in the two files).

The program generates a GDX output file named outFileName which contains the following fields:

Date Description

5001**01 Number of common obs. N

5001**02 Mean error ME = (1/n)*Sum{ x[i]-y[i] }

5001**03 Mean absolute error MAE = (1/n)*Sum{|x[i]-y[i]|}

5001**04 Mean percent error MPE = (100/n)*Sum{ (x[i]-y[i])/x[i] }5001**04 Mean percent error MPE = (100/n)*Sum{ (x[i]-y[i])/x[i]

5001**05 Mean abs. percent error MAPE = (100/n)*Sum{|(x[i]-y[i])/x[i] |}5001**05 Mean abs. percent error MAPE = (100/n)*Sum{|(x[i]-y[i])/x[i]

5001**06 Sum of square errors SSE = Sum{ (x[i]-y[i])^2 }

5001**07 Mean square error MSE = (1/n)*SSE

5001**08 Root mean square error RMSE = Sqrt(MSE)

5001**09 Reduction of error RE = 1-(SSE/Sum{ (x[i]-Mean(x))^2 }

5001**10 Squared correl. coeff. R2 = Cor( x, y )^2

5001**11 Spearman rank correl. coeff. SRC = Cor( Ranks(x), Ranks(y) )

5001**12 SSE with bias removed SSEBR = Sum{ (x[i]-y[i]-ME)^2 }

5001**13 MSE with bias removed MSEBR = (1/n)*SSEBR

5001**14 RMSE with bias removed RMSEBR = Sqrt(MSEBR)

5001**15 Difference in linear trend DTRD = Trend(x) - Trend(y)

Here x and y denote the compared gridpoint timeseries from files inFileName1 and inFileName2, respectively, and i is the timestep index. 'Trend' is calculated as the slope of the linear regression of the used timeseries versus the series' data points numbers.


-y Analysis is performed only for records with year numbers falling in the interval specified by frstYear and lastYear.
-n nOutDecDigs specifies the number of decimal digits that are written out after the decimal point ("."). The default number is 6.


5. Graphics



PlotGDSMaps - produces post-script maps of gridded data given in Gridded Data Set (GDS) format (grid defined in degrees coordinates).


PlotGDSMaps inFName outFilesPrefix [ -plotType PlotType ] [inDataType [cPlotParsFName [OutputMode [MapProjection [tStart [tStop [nMapRowsInPg [nMapColsInPg [titlesFName [MapBackground ]]]]]]]]]]
inFName = STRING.
outFilesPrefix = STRING.
PlotType = "contour"|"filled"|"shadedNoContours"|"shadedWithContours".
inDataType = "monMean".
cPlotParsFName = STRING.
OutputMode = "landscape"|"portrait".
MapProjection = "latlon"|"scaled"|"nps"|"sps".
tStart = INTEGER.
tStop = INTEGER.
nMapRowsInPg = INTEGER.
nMapColsInPg = INTEGER.
titlesFName = STRING.
MapBackground = "off"|"lowres"|"mres"|"hires".


Input file inFileName must be in Gridded Data Set (GDS) format. The grid must be defined in degrees coordinates.

The program produces n =1 post-script files named "outFilesPrefix.i", where i stands for the file number. Each output file corresponds to one physical page of output on a printing device.

The post-script files are produced with the aid of the GrADS software (see To this purpose the program generates a series of auxiliary files which are all placed in your current working directory:          The GrADS script file used to produce the plots    The used GrADS description file  The used GrADS data file

These files are overwritten without any further warning each time the script is re-run.

Parameter inDataType specifies the kind of input data contained in inFileName. It is used as a keyword for the automatic retrieval of various parameters (such as the used color pallette or the contour interval) that are needed for the drawing of contour plots. The parameters are retrieved from the file cPlotParsFName (see explanations below). If inDataType is omitted, the program uses the type "monMean" as the default.

cPlotParsFName specifies the name of the file from which the contour plot parameters are retrieved. If cPlotParsFName is omitted, the name "CPlotParams.DAT" is used as the default. This file is first searched in your current working directory. If it is not found there, used is the file "CPlotParams.DAT" from the directory specified in the environment variable $PGDDIR. You may want to copy this file to your current working directory and then modify it according to your needs.

The following color pallettes are currently supported and may be used in file cPlotParsFName:

  "WhiteToBlack",  "BlackToWhite", 
  "WhiteToBlue",   "BlueToWhite", 
  "BlueToRed",     "RedToBlue", 
  "BlueToRed2",    "RedToBlue2",
  "BlueToBrown",   "BrownToBlue",
  "BlueToBrown2",  "BrownToBlue2",
  "BlueToBrown3",  "BrownToBlue3",
  	"BlueToGreen",   "GreenToBlue",
  "GreenToRed",    "RedToGreen",
  "YellowToBlue",  "BlueToYellow",
  "YellowToGreen", "GreenToYellow".

outputMode and mapProjection specify the orientation of the output graphic, and the map projection used for the drawing of contour plots, respectively. For more information on these parameters see see the documentation of the GrADS software.

tStart and tStop specify the timepoints to plot. Timepoint t=1 corresponds to the first available field in file inFName, t=2 to the second available field etc.

nMapRowsInPg and nMapColsInPg specify the layout for the drawing of maps: each page drawn contains a matrix of maps, with nMapRowsInPg rows and nMapColsInPg columns of maps, respectively. Hence, the number of pages, respectively output files, generated is nPages = 1 + ((tStop - tStart + 1) DIV (nMapRowsInPg * nMapColsInPg)).

titlesFName is a file that contains titles for the individual pages and maps. Considered are all lines in the file which have the following syntax:

  titleSpecifLine = pageNr mapNr pageOrmapTitle.
  pageNr, mapNr   = INTEGER.
  pageOrmapTitle  = STRING.

The title of page with number pageNr is specified by using mapNr=0. Note, each title specification must occur on a separate line. The elements on the line must be separated by blanks or tabulators. The STRING must be enclosed in '"'. The titles may occur in any order. If no title specification occurs for a given page or map, no title is plotted. Below follows an example of a simple "titles" file.

  My page and map titles for project XY:
  PageNr MapNr  Title
  1      0   "This is the page title of page 1" 
  1      1   "This is the title of map nr. 1 in page 1" 
  xx1      2   "A disabled title"
  2      1   "Page nr.2, map nr. 1" 
  2      2   "Page nr.2, map nr. 2" 

Note, in order to prevent the erroneous production of huge amounts of output, the maximum number of pages/output files actually produced is limited to 12.






PlotGDSMapsCH - produces post-script maps of gridded data given in Gridded Data Set (GDS) format (grid defined in Swiss [m] coordinate system coordinates).


PlotGDSMapsCH inFName outFilesPrefix [ -plotType PlotType ] [inDataType [cPlotParsFName [OutputMode [MapProjection [tStart [tStop [nMapRowsInPg [nMapColsInPg [titlesFName [MapBackground ]]]]]]]]]]
inFName = STRING.
outFilesPrefix = STRING.
PlotType = "contour"|"filled"|"shadedNoContours"|"shadedWithContours".
inDataType = "monMean".
cPlotParsFName = STRING.
OutputMode = "landscape"|"portrait".
MapProjection = "latlon"|"scaled"|"nps"|"sps".
tStart = INTEGER.
tStop = INTEGER.
nMapRowsInPg = INTEGER.
nMapColsInPg = INTEGER.
titlesFName = STRING.
MapBackground = "off"|"lowres"|"mres"|"hires".


Input file inFileName must be in Gridded Data Set (GDS) format. The grid must be defined in Swiss (m) coordinate system coordinates.

The program produces n =1 post-script files named "outFilesPrefix.i", where i stands for the file number. Each output file corresponds to one physical page of output on a printing device.

The post-script files are produced with the aid of the GrADS software (see To this purpose the program generates a series of auxiliary files which are all placed in your current working directory:          The GrADS script file used to produce the plots    The used GrADS description file  The used GrADS data file

These files are overwritten without any further warning each time the script is re-run.

Parameter inDataType specifies the kind of input data contained in inFileName. It is used as a keyword for the automatic retrieval of various parameters (such as the used color pallette or the contour interval) that are needed for the drawing of contour plots. The parameters are retrieved from the file cPlotParsFName (see explanations below). If inDataType is omitted, the program uses the type "monMean" as the default.

cPlotParsFName specifies the name of the file from which the contour plot parameters are retrieved. If cPlotParsFName is omitted, the name "CPlotParams.DAT" is used as the default. This file is first searched in your current working directory. If it is not found there, used is the file "CPlotParams.DAT" from the directory specified in the environment variable $PGDDIR. You may want to copy this file to your current working directory and then modify it according to your needs.

The following color pallettes are currently supported and may be used in file cPlotParsFName:

  "WhiteToBlack",  "BlackToWhite", 
  "WhiteToBlue",   "BlueToWhite", 
  "BlueToRed",     "RedToBlue", 
  "BlueToRed2",    "RedToBlue2",
  "BlueToBrown",   "BrownToBlue",
  "BlueToBrown2",  "BrownToBlue2",
  "BlueToBrown3",  "BrownToBlue3",
  	"BlueToGreen",   "GreenToBlue",
  "GreenToRed",    "RedToGreen",
  "YellowToBlue",  "BlueToYellow",
  "YellowToGreen", "GreenToYellow".

outputMode and mapProjection specify the orientation of the output graphic, and the map projection used for the drawing of contour plots, respectively. For more information on these parameters see see the documentation of the GrADS software.

tStart and tStop specify the timepoints to plot. Timepoint t=1 corresponds to the first available field in file inFName, t=2 to the second available field etc.

nMapRowsInPg and nMapColsInPg specify the layout for the drawing of maps: each page drawn contains a matrix of maps, with nMapRowsInPg rows and nMapColsInPg columns of maps, respectively. Hence, the number of pages, respectively output files, generated is nPages = 1 + ((tStop - tStart + 1) DIV (nMapRowsInPg * nMapColsInPg)).

titlesFName is a file that contains titles for the individual pages and maps. Considered are all lines in the file which have the following syntax:

  titleSpecifLine = pageNr mapNr pageOrmapTitle.
  pageNr, mapNr   = INTEGER.
  pageOrmapTitle  = STRING.

The title of page with number pageNr is specified by using mapNr=0. Note, each title specification must occur on a separate line. The elements on the line must be separated by blanks or tabulators. The STRING must be enclosed in '"'. The titles may occur in any order. If no title specification occurs for a given page or map, no title is plotted. Below follows an example of a simple "titles" file.

  My page and map titles for project XY:
  PageNr MapNr  Title
  1      0   "This is the page title of page 1" 
  1      1   "This is the title of map nr. 1 in page 1" 
  xx1      2   "A disabled title"
  2      1   "Page nr.2, map nr. 1" 
  2      2   "Page nr.2, map nr. 2" 

Note, in order to prevent the erroneous production of huge amounts of output, the maximum number of pages/output files actually produced is limited to 12.






PlotGDXMaps - produces post-script maps of gridded data given in Gridded Data as Text (GDX) format (grid defined in degrees coordinates).


PlotGDXMaps inFName outFilesPrefix [ -plotType PlotType ] [inDataType [cPlotParsFName [OutputMode [MapProjection [tStart [tStop [nMapRowsInPg [nMapColsInPg [titlesFName [MapBackground ]]]]]]]]]]
inFName = STRING.
outFilesPrefix = STRING.
PlotType = "contour"|"filled"|"shadedNoContours"|"shadedWithContours".
inDataType = "monMean".
cPlotParsFName = STRING.
OutputMode = "landscape"|"portrait".
MapProjection = "latlon"|"scaled"|"nps"|"sps".
tStart = INTEGER.
tStop = INTEGER.
nMapRowsInPg = INTEGER.
nMapColsInPg = INTEGER.
titlesFName = STRING.
MapBackground = "off"|"lowres"|"mres"|"hires".


Input file inFileName must be in Gridded Data as Text (GDX) format. The grid must be defined in degrees coordinates.

The program produces n =1 post-script files named "outFilesPrefix.i", where i stands for the file number. Each output file corresponds to one physical page of output on a printing device.

The post-script files are produced with the aid of the GrADS software (see To this purpose the program generates a series of auxiliary files which are all placed in your current working directory:          The GrADS script file used to produce the plots    The used GrADS description file  The used GrADS data file

These files are overwritten without any further warning each time the script is re-run.

Parameter inDataType specifies the kind of input data contained in inFileName. It is used as a keyword for the automatic retrieval of various parameters (such as the used color pallette or the contour interval) that are needed for the drawing of contour plots. The parameters are retrieved from the file cPlotParsFName (see explanations below). If inDataType is omitted, the program uses the type "monMean" as the default.

cPlotParsFName specifies the name of the file from which the contour plot parameters are retrieved. If cPlotParsFName is omitted, the name "CPlotParams.DAT" is used as the default. This file is first searched in your current working directory. If it is not found there, used is the file "CPlotParams.DAT" from the directory specified in the environment variable $PGDDIR. You may want to copy this file to your current working directory and then modify it according to your needs.

The following color pallettes are currently supported and may be used in file cPlotParsFName:

  "WhiteToBlack",  "BlackToWhite", 
  "WhiteToBlue",   "BlueToWhite", 
  "BlueToRed",     "RedToBlue", 
  "BlueToRed2",    "RedToBlue2",
  "BlueToBrown",   "BrownToBlue",
  "BlueToBrown2",  "BrownToBlue2",
  "BlueToBrown3",  "BrownToBlue3",
  	"BlueToGreen",   "GreenToBlue",
  "GreenToRed",    "RedToGreen",
  "YellowToBlue",  "BlueToYellow",
  "YellowToGreen", "GreenToYellow".

outputMode and mapProjection specify the orientation of the output graphic, and the map projection used for the drawing of contour plots, respectively. For more information on these parameters see see the documentation of the GrADS software.

tStart and tStop specify the timepoints to plot. Timepoint t=1 corresponds to the first available field in file inFName, t=2 to the second available field etc.

nMapRowsInPg and nMapColsInPg specify the layout for the drawing of maps: each page drawn contains a matrix of maps, with nMapRowsInPg rows and nMapColsInPg columns of maps, respectively. Hence, the number of pages, respectively output files, generated is nPages = 1 + ((tStop - tStart + 1) DIV (nMapRowsInPg * nMapColsInPg)).

titlesFName is a file that contains titles for the individual pages and maps. Considered are all lines in the file which have the following syntax:

  titleSpecifLine = pageNr mapNr pageOrmapTitle.
  pageNr, mapNr   = INTEGER.
  pageOrmapTitle  = STRING.

The title of page with number pageNr is specified by using mapNr=0. Note, each title specification must occur on a separate line. The elements on the line must be separated by blanks or tabulators. The STRING must be enclosed in '"'. The titles may occur in any order. If no title specification occurs for a given page or map, no title is plotted. Below follows an example of a simple "titles" file.

  My page and map titles for project XY:
  PageNr MapNr  Title
  1      0   "This is the page title of page 1" 
  1      1   "This is the title of map nr. 1 in page 1" 
  xx1      2   "A disabled title"
  2      1   "Page nr.2, map nr. 1" 
  2      2   "Page nr.2, map nr. 2" 

Note, in order to prevent the erroneous production of huge amounts of output, the maximum number of pages/output files actually produced is limited to 12.






PlotGDXMapsCH - produces post-script maps of gridded data given in Gridded Data as Text (GDX) format (grid defined in Swiss [m] coordinate system coordinates).


PlotGDXMapsCH inFName outFilesPrefix [ -plotType PlotType ] [inDataType [cPlotParsFName [OutputMode [MapProjection [tStart [tStop [nMapRowsInPg [nMapColsInPg [titlesFName [MapBackground ]]]]]]]]]]
inFName = STRING.
outFilesPrefix = STRING.
PlotType = "contour"|"filled"|"shadedNoContours"|"shadedWithContours".
inDataType = "monMean".
cPlotParsFName = STRING.
OutputMode = "landscape"|"portrait".
MapProjection = "latlon"|"scaled"|"nps"|"sps".
tStart = INTEGER.
tStop = INTEGER.
nMapRowsInPg = INTEGER.
nMapColsInPg = INTEGER.
titlesFName = STRING.
MapBackground = "off"|"lowres"|"mres"|"hires".


Input file inFileName must be in Gridded Data as Text (GDX) format. The grid must be defined in Swiss (m) coordinate system coordinates.

The program produces n =1 post-script files named "outFilesPrefix.i", where i stands for the file number. Each output file corresponds to one physical page of output on a printing device.

The post-script files are produced with the aid of the GrADS software (see To this purpose the program generates a series of auxiliary files which are all placed in your current working directory:          The GrADS script file used to produce the plots    The used GrADS description file  The used GrADS data file

These files are overwritten without any further warning each time the script is re-run.

Parameter inDataType specifies the kind of input data contained in inFileName. It is used as a keyword for the automatic retrieval of various parameters (such as the used color pallette or the contour interval) that are needed for the drawing of contour plots. The parameters are retrieved from the file cPlotParsFName (see explanations below). If inDataType is omitted, the program uses the type "monMean" as the default.

cPlotParsFName specifies the name of the file from which the contour plot parameters are retrieved. If cPlotParsFName is omitted, the name "CPlotParams.DAT" is used as the default. This file is first searched in your current working directory. If it is not found there, used is the file "CPlotParams.DAT" from the directory specified in the environment variable $PGDDIR. You may want to copy this file to your current working directory and then modify it according to your needs.

The following color pallettes are currently supported and may be used in file cPlotParsFName:

  "WhiteToBlack",  "BlackToWhite", 
  "WhiteToBlue",   "BlueToWhite", 
  "BlueToRed",     "RedToBlue", 
  "BlueToRed2",    "RedToBlue2",
  "BlueToBrown",   "BrownToBlue",
  "BlueToBrown2",  "BrownToBlue2",
  "BlueToBrown3",  "BrownToBlue3",
  	"BlueToGreen",   "GreenToBlue",
  "GreenToRed",    "RedToGreen",
  "YellowToBlue",  "BlueToYellow",
  "YellowToGreen", "GreenToYellow".

outputMode and mapProjection specify the orientation of the output graphic, and the map projection used for the drawing of contour plots, respectively. For more information on these parameters see see the documentation of the GrADS software.

tStart and tStop specify the timepoints to plot. Timepoint t=1 corresponds to the first available field in file inFName, t=2 to the second available field etc.

nMapRowsInPg and nMapColsInPg specify the layout for the drawing of maps: each page drawn contains a matrix of maps, with nMapRowsInPg rows and nMapColsInPg columns of maps, respectively. Hence, the number of pages, respectively output files, generated is nPages = 1 + ((tStop - tStart + 1) DIV (nMapRowsInPg * nMapColsInPg)).

titlesFName is a file that contains titles for the individual pages and maps. Considered are all lines in the file which have the following syntax:

  titleSpecifLine = pageNr mapNr pageOrmapTitle.
  pageNr, mapNr   = INTEGER.
  pageOrmapTitle  = STRING.

The title of page with number pageNr is specified by using mapNr=0. Note, each title specification must occur on a separate line. The elements on the line must be separated by blanks or tabulators. The STRING must be enclosed in '"'. The titles may occur in any order. If no title specification occurs for a given page or map, no title is plotted. Below follows an example of a simple "titles" file.

  My page and map titles for project XY:
  PageNr MapNr  Title
  1      0   "This is the page title of page 1" 
  1      1   "This is the title of map nr. 1 in page 1" 
  xx1      2   "A disabled title"
  2      1   "Page nr.2, map nr. 1" 
  2      2   "Page nr.2, map nr. 2" 

Note, in order to prevent the erroneous production of huge amounts of output, the maximum number of pages/output files actually produced is limited to 12.






PlotGDXTimeSer - produces time series plots from gridded data given in Gridded Data as Text (GDX) format.


PlotGDXTimeSer inFName numTimeseries GridpointSpecif [GridpointSpecif] outFilePrefix [tsPlotParsFName [outputMode]]
inFName = STRING.
numTimeseries = INTEGER.
GridpointSpecif = gpLongitude gpLatitude.
gpLongitude = REAL.
gpLatitude = REAL.
outFilesPrefix = STRING.
tsPlotParsFName = STRING.
outputMode = "landscape"|"portrait".


Input file inFileName must be in Gridded Data as Text (GDX) format. The program produces a post-script file named "".

The post-script file is produced with the aid of the GrADS software (see To this purpose the program generates a series of auxiliary files which are all placed in your current working directory:          The GrADS script file used to produce the plots    The used GrADS description file  The used GrADS data file

These files are overwritten without any further warning each time the script is re-run.

numTimeseries is the number of time series to plot. For each such time series expected is one specification GridpointSpecif determining the respective gridpoint.

tsPlotParsFName specifies the name of the file from which various parameters that specify the time series plot are retrieved. If tsPlotParsFName is omitted, the name "TSPlotParams.DAT" is used as the default. This file is first searched in your current working directory. If it is not found there, used is the file "TSPlotParams.DAT" from the directory specified in the environment variable $PGDDIR. You may want to copy this file to your current working directory and then modify it according to your needs. For the allowed parameter values consult the documentation of the GrADS software.

outputMode specifies the orientation of the output graphic. See also the documentation of the GrADS software.






PlotLolaMaps - produces post-script maps of gridded data given in Longitude Latitude (LOLA) format.


PlotLolaMaps inFName outFilesPrefix [ -plotType PlotType ] [inDataType [cPlotParsFName [OutputMode [MapProjection [tStart [tStop [nMapRowsInPg [nMapColsInPg [titlesFName [MapBackground ]]]]]]]]]]
inFName = STRING.
outFilesPrefix = STRING.
PlotType = "contour"|"filled"|"shadedNoContours"|"shadedWithContours".
inDataType = "monMean".
cPlotParsFName = STRING.
OutputMode = "landscape"|"portrait".
MapProjection = "latlon"|"scaled"|"nps"|"sps".
tStart = INTEGER.
tStop = INTEGER.
nMapRowsInPg = INTEGER.
nMapColsInPg = INTEGER.
titlesFName = STRING.
MapBackground = "off"|"lowres"|"mres"|"hires".


Input file inFileName must be in Longitude Latitude (LOLA) format.

The program produces n =1 post-script files named "outFilesPrefix.i", where i stands for the file number. Each output file corresponds to one physical page of output on a printing device.

The post-script files are produced with the aid of the GrADS software (see To this purpose the program generates a series of auxiliary files which are all placed in your current working directory:          The GrADS script file used to produce the plots    The used GrADS description file  The used GrADS data file

These files are overwritten without any further warning each time the script is re-run.

Parameter inDataType specifies the kind of input data contained in inFileName. It is used as a keyword for the automatic retrieval of various parameters (such as the used color pallette or the contour interval) that are needed for the drawing of contour plots. The parameters are retrieved from the file cPlotParsFName (see explanations below). If inDataType is omitted, the program uses the type "monMean" as the default.

cPlotParsFName specifies the name of the file from which the contour plot parameters are retrieved. If cPlotParsFName is omitted, the name "CPlotParams.DAT" is used as the default. This file is first searched in your current working directory. If it is not found there, used is the file "CPlotParams.DAT" from the directory specified in the environment variable $PGDDIR. You may want to copy this file to your current working directory and then modify it according to your needs.

The following color pallettes are currently supported and may be used in file cPlotParsFName:

  "WhiteToBlack",  "BlackToWhite", 
  "WhiteToBlue",   "BlueToWhite", 
  "BlueToRed",     "RedToBlue", 
  "BlueToRed2",    "RedToBlue2",
  "BlueToBrown",   "BrownToBlue",
  "BlueToBrown2",  "BrownToBlue2",
  "BlueToBrown3",  "BrownToBlue3",
  	"BlueToGreen",   "GreenToBlue",
  "GreenToRed",    "RedToGreen",
  "YellowToBlue",  "BlueToYellow",
  "YellowToGreen", "GreenToYellow".

outputMode and mapProjection specify the orientation of the output graphic, and the map projection used for the drawing of contour plots, respectively. For more information on these parameters see see the documentation of the GrADS software.

tStart and tStop specify the timepoints to plot. Timepoint t=1 corresponds to the first available field in file inFName, t=2 to the second available field etc.

nMapRowsInPg and nMapColsInPg specify the layout for the drawing of maps: each page drawn contains a matrix of maps, with nMapRowsInPg rows and nMapColsInPg columns of maps, respectively. Hence, the number of pages, respectively output files, generated is nPages = 1 + ((tStop - tStart + 1) DIV (nMapRowsInPg * nMapColsInPg)).

titlesFName is a file that contains titles for the individual pages and maps. Considered are all lines in the file which have the following syntax:

  titleSpecifLine = pageNr mapNr pageOrmapTitle.
  pageNr, mapNr   = INTEGER.
  pageOrmapTitle  = STRING.

The title of page with number pageNr is specified by using mapNr=0. Note, each title specification must occur on a separate line. The elements on the line must be separated by blanks or tabulators. The STRING must be enclosed in '"'. The titles may occur in any order. If no title specification occurs for a given page or map, no title is plotted. Below follows an example of a simple "titles" file.

  My page and map titles for project XY:
  PageNr MapNr  Title
  1      0   "This is the page title of page 1" 
  1      1   "This is the title of map nr. 1 in page 1" 
  xx1      2   "A disabled title"
  2      1   "Page nr.2, map nr. 1" 
  2      2   "Page nr.2, map nr. 2" 

Note, in order to prevent the erroneous production of huge amounts of output, the maximum number of pages/output files actually produced is limited to 12.






PlotLolaTimeSer - produces time series plots from gridded data given in Longitude Latitude (LOLA) format.


PlotLolaTimeSer inFName numTimeseries GridpointSpecif [GridpointSpecif] outFilePrefix [tsPlotParsFName [outputMode]]
inFName = STRING.
numTimeseries = INTEGER.
GridpointSpecif = gpLongitude gpLatitude.
gpLongitude = REAL.
gpLatitude = REAL.
outFilesPrefix = STRING.
tsPlotParsFName = STRING.
outputMode = "landscape"|"portrait".


Input file inFileName must be in Longitude Latitude (LOLA) format. -- ERROR: unexpected case [2]



6. Information Functions



DSDStationList - extracts a station list from Daily Station Data (DSD) formatted data sets.


DSDStationList inFileName outFileName {Option}
inFileName = STRING.
outFileName = STRING.
Option = "-s".


Input file inFileName must either be in DSD format, or contain a name list of DSD-formatted files. Each of these files may contain one or several DSD data sets. The station list is written to the output file named outFileName.


-s Output file is written in Site Data Table (SDT) format.




GRIBInfo - extracts information on the records of a data file written in GRIB (GRid In Binary) format.


GRIBInfo inFileName outFileName [showGridInfo]
inFileName = STRING.
outFileName = STRING.
showGridInfo = "-g".


Input file inFileName must be in GRIB format. All information is written to file outFileName.


-g writes out extended information on the grid of each record.


7. Index

DSDCondExtr v1.2 (06-Oct-2004)
DSDCondStats v1.4 (12-Oct-2004)
DSDScalOp v1.7 (06-Oct-2004)
DSDSeasTimeSer v1.8 (06-Oct-2004)
DSDStationList v1.1 (06-Oct-2004)
DSDToMat v1.6 (06-Oct-2004)
GDSAggregate v2.0 (20-Oct-2003)
GDSCalcSAM v1.0 (24-Sep-2004)
GDSCalcSEOF v2.0 (20-Oct-2003)
GDSCalcSPC v2.0 (20-Oct-2003)
GDSCalcSurfPars v1.0 (09-June-2005)
GDSChgHdr v2.0 (20-Oct-2003)
GDSCompare v2.0 (04-May-2005)
GDSConcat v1.0 (14-Sep-2004)
GDSCopy v2.0 (20-Oct-2003)
GDSDyadicOp v2.0 (20-Oct-2003)
GDSEstimZ v2.0 (20-Oct-2003)
GDSLimValRange v2.0 (20-Oct-2003)
GDSMerge v2.1 (13-Oct-2004)
GDSRegrid v2.0 (20-Oct-2003)
GDSScalOp v2.0 (20-Oct-2003)
GDSSelGridpts v2.0 (20-Oct-2003)
GDSSelSector v2.0 (Oct. 20th, 2003)
GDSSmooth v2.0 (Oct. 20th, 2003)
GDSSplit v1.0 (11-Nov-2004)
GDSStats v2.2 (Oct 27th, 2005)
GDSToGDX v3.0 (Sep 30th, 2004)
GDSToGRADS v2.0 (Oct. 20th, 2003)
GDSToLola v2.0 (Sep 30th, 2004)
GDSToSDT v1.0 (Sept. 16th, 2004)
GDXCalcDegDays v1.0 (March 22nd, 2004)
GDXCompTimeSer v2.2 (May 3d, 2006)
GDXCopyDatesTimes v1.0 (Dec. 31st, 2003)
GDXTimeSerFilter v1.0 (April 11th, 2006)
GDXTimeSerStats v2.2 (March 22nd, 2004)
GDXToGDS v2.0 (Oct. 20th, 2003)
GDXToGRADS v2.0 (Oct. 20th, 2003)
GDXToLola v2.0 (Oct. 20th, 2003)
GRIBInfo v1.0 (Oct. 11th, 2001)
GRIBToGDX v1.0 (Oct. 12th, 2001)
LolaChgHdr v2.0 (Oct. 20th, 2003)
LolaToGDS v1.0 (Sept. 30th, 2004)
LolaToGDX v2.0 (Oct. 20th, 2003)
LolaToGRADS v2.0 (Oct. 20th, 2003)
LolaToMat v1.0 (27-Apr-2004)
MatToDSD v2.0 (Oct. 20th, 2003)
MatToGDS v2.0 (Oct. 20th, 2003)
MatToGDX v2.0 (Oct. 20th, 2003)
PlotGDSMaps v1.2 (Nov. 19th, 2001)
PlotGDSMapsCH v1.2 (Nov. 19th, 2001)
PlotGDXMaps v1.2 (Nov. 19th, 2001)
PlotGDXMapsCH v1.2 (Nov. 19th, 2001)
PlotGDXTimeSer v1.0 (Nov. 19th, 2001)
PlotLolaMaps v1.2 (Nov. 19th, 2001)
PlotLolaTimeSer v1.0 (Nov. 19th, 2001)
SDTConvCoords v1.0 (Feb 21st, 2002)
SDTFindNbrs v2.0 (Oct. 20th, 2003)
SDTFitMLReg v2.0 (Oct. 20th, 2003)
SDTMerge v1.0 (Feb. 8th, 2002)
SDTSelSector v1.0 (June 12th, 2002)
SDTToGDS v2.0 (Oct. 20th, 2003)
SDTToGRADS v1.0 (Oct 5th, 2001)
SDTToMSD v1.0 (June 13th, 2002)
SDTUseMLReg v1.0 (Feb. 19th, 2002)

This documentation is maintained by Dimitrios Gyalistras. Last updated 10-Oct-2006.