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21. | Oldewurtel, F., Parisio, A., Jones, C.N., Morari, M., Gyalistras, D., Gwerder, M., Stauch, V., Lehmann, B. & Wirth, K. (2010). Energy efficient building climate control using stochastic Model Predictive Control and weather predictions. Paper presented at the 2010 American Control Conference (ACC2010), Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 30 June - 2 July, 2010. [Article 924 kB] | 20. | Artmann, N., Gyalistras, D., Manz, H. & Heiselberg, P. (2008). Impact of climate warming on passive night cooling potential. Build. Res. Inf. 36(2): 111-128. [Abstract] [Article 724 kB] | 19. | Christenson, M., Manz, H. & Gyalistras, D. (2006). Climate warming impact on degree-days and building energy demand in Switzerland. Energ. Convers. Manage. 47: 671-686. [Abstract] [Article 369 kB] | 18. | Jasper, K., Calanca, P., Gyalistras, D. & Fuhrer, J. (2004). Differential impacts of climate change on the hydrology of two alpine river basins. Clim. Res. 26(2): 113-129. [Abstract] [Article 674 kB] | 17. | Gyalistras, D. (2003). Development and validation of a high-resolution monthly gridded temperature and precipitation data set for Switzerland (1951-2000). Clim. Res. 25(1): 55-83. [Abstract] [Article 2.0 MB] | 16. | Xoplaki, E., Gonzalez-Rouco, J.F., Gyalistras, D., Luterbacher, J., Rickli, R. & Wanner, H. (2003). Interannual summer air temperature variability over Greece and its connection to the large-scale atmospheric circulation and Mediterranean SSTs 1950-1999. Clim. Dyn. 20(5): 537-554. [Abstract] [Article 1.3 MB] | 15. | Luterbacher, J., Xoplaki, E., Dietrich, D., Rickli, R., Jacobeit, J., Beck, C., Gyalistras, D., Schmutz, C. & Wanner, H. (2002). Reconstruction of sea level pressure fields over the Eastern North Atlantic and Europe back to 1500. Clim. Dyn. 18(7): 545-561. [Abstract] [Article 1.1 MB] | 14. | Luterbacher, J., Xoplaki, E., Dietrich, D., Jones, P.D., Davies, T.D., Portis, D., Gonzalez-Rouco, J.F., von Storch, H., Gyalistras, D., Casty C. & Wanner, H. (2002). Extending North Atlantic Oscillation reconstructions back to 1500. Atmosph. Sci. Lett. 2: 114-124. [Abstract] [Article 364 kB] | 13. | Wanner, H., Brönnimann, S., Casty, C., Gyalistras, D., Luterbacher, J. Schmutz, C., Stephenson, D.B. & Xoplaki, E. (2001). North Atlantic Oscillation - concepts and studies. Surv. Geophys. 22: 321-382. [Abstract] [Article 3.1 MB] | 12. | Schmutz, C., Gyalistras, D., Luterbacher, J. & Wanner, H. (2001). Reconstruction of monthly 700, 500 and 300 hPa geopotential height fields in the European and Eastern North Atlantic region for the period 1901-1947. Clim. Res. 18(3): 181-193. [Abstract] [Article 1.2 MB] 11. | Riedo, M., Gyalistras, D. & Fuhrer, J. (2001). Pasture responses to elevated temperature and doubled CO2 concentration: assessing the spatial pattern across an alpine landscape. Clim. Res. 17(1): 19-31. [Abstract] [Article 3.8 MB] | 10. | Riedo, M., Gyalistras, D. & Fuhrer, J. (2000). Net primary production and carbon stocks in differently managed grasslands: simulation of site-specific sensitivity to an increase in atmospheric CO2 and to climate change. Ecol. Model. 134(2-3): 207-227. [Abstract] [Article 240 kB] | 9. | Schmutz, C., Luterbacher, J., Gyalistras, D., Xoplaki, E. & Wanner, H. (2000). Can we trust proxy-based NAO index reconstructions? Geophys. Res. Lett. 27(8): 1135 -1138. [Abstract] [Article 156 kB] | 8. | Luterbacher, J., Schmutz, C., Gyalistras, D., Xoplaki, E. & Wanner, H. (1999). Reconstruction of monthly NAO and EU indices back to A.D. 1675. Geophys. Res. Lett. 26(17): 2745-2748. [Abstract] [Article 1.4 MB] | 7. | Gyalistras, D. & Fischlin, A. (1999). Towards a general method to construct regional climatic scenarios for model-based impacts assessments. Petermanns geogr. Mittlg. 143(4): 251-264. [Article 5.3 MB] | 6. | Riedo, M., Gyalistras, D., Fischlin, A. & Fuhrer, J. (1999). Using an ecosystem model linked to GCM-derived local weather scenarios to analyse effects of climate change and elevated CO2 on dry matter production and partitioning, and water use in temperate managed grasslands. Global Change Biol. 5(2): 213-223. [Abstract] [Article 365 kB] | 5. | Gyalistras, D., Schär, C., Davies, H.C. & Wanner, H. (1998). Future Alpine climate. In: Cebon, P., Dahinden, U., Davies, H.C., Imboden, D., & Jäger, C. G. (eds.): Views from the Alps: regional perspectives on climate change. MIT Press, Boston, pp. 171-223. [Further information] | 4. | Riedo, M., Gyalistras, D., Grub, A., Rosset, M. & Fuhrer, J. (1997). Modelling grassland responses to climate change and elevated CO2. Acta Oecol. 18(3): 305-311. [Abstract] [Article 674 kB] | 3. | Fischlin, A. & Gyalistras, D (1997). Assessing impacts of climatic change on forests in the Alps. Global Ecol. Biogeogr. Lett. 6: 19-37. [Abstract] [Article 2.9 MB] | 2. | Fischlin, A., Bugmann, H. & Gyalistras, D. (1995). Sensitivity of a forest ecosystem model to climate parametrization schemes. Env. Poll. 87: 267-282. [Abstract] [Article 1.4 MB] | 1. | Gyalistras, D., von Storch, H., Fischlin, A. & Beniston, M. (1994). Linking GCM-simulated climatic changes to ecosystem models: case studies of statistical downscaling in the Alps. Clim. Res. 4(3): 167-189. [Article 7.4 MB] | | |